The MacArthur and Wilson Award was established by the International Biogeography Society to recognize an individual for a notable, innovative contribution to biogeography. This award targets comparatively early career investigators and targets recipients who have completed their PhD no more than 12 years before the deadline for nominations.
The committee has some flexibility in regard to this criterion, to take account of differing life and career paths. A pair of collaborators might be considered providing both are eligible by this criterion. The award is made once every two years. The award will be presented at the IBS biennial meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, January, 2024. Nominations are due no later than February 1st, 2023.
Nominations should consist of a supporting cover letter of no more than 500 words, co-signed by two members of the International Biogeography Society, an abbreviated CV of the nominee, and pdfs of four key papers, as first or last author, published by the nominee, at least two of which should have been published within the last three years. An individual can be nominated for a single paper or a ‘group of papers’ and it is anticipated that such a corpus of work will involve – in the spirit of MacArthur & Wilson’s famous monograph – scholarly collaborations with other co-workers. Nominations should be sent to