The International Biogeography Society is looking for members of the abstract review committee for the upcoming TIBS meeting in Prague, Czechia.  This committee is key in helping choose talk presentations for the sessions and has a great deal of relevance in shaping the meeting overall.

Each reviewer will be responsible for ranking about   15 abstracts. The rank system is made so that abstracts can be scored quite easily and rapidly through an online review system.  Rank will be assessed using an overall point system with a couple other general questions to help balance topic, gender and career stage considerations.  You will NOT have to compare abstracts to each other, which expedites the ranking a great deal.

We will receive abstracts by the end of September, the commitment on your part would be expected to be completed during the first week of October.

If you are interested, please email Tereza Jezkova, the VP for conferences, at, with “TIBS abstract reviewer” in the abstract.

Also, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thanks for considering this request and I’m looking forward to hearing  from you.